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East Sacramento Little League

East Sacramento Little League


Q: How long is the season?

A: Registration begins in November; try-outs are held in January; teams begin practice in February; Opening Day is in March; the game schedule runs from March to early June; post-season tournaments (including All-Stars) are held in June and July. Please consult the home page and the calendar for specific dates and times.

Q: What division is appropriate for my child given his or her age?

A: All 4 and 5 year olds are required to play Tee Ball (boys and girls) and all 6 year olds are required to play in the Single A division (boys and girls). Once your child reaches league age 7, skill level begins to factor in. Age 7 children may play a second year in A division or may try out for the AA division (baseball) or the Rookie division (softball). Baseball AA, AAA, and Majors divisions and softball Rookies, Minors, and Majors divisions all require a tryout to determine a child's skill level and readiness for that division. Generally, we recommend children ages 7 and 8 play either AA (baseball) or Rookies (softball), children ages 9 and 10 play AAA (baseball) or Minors (softball), and children ages 11 and 12 play Majors (baseball and softball).

Q: What "league age" is my child?

A: Please refer to the Baseball Age Chart & Guidelines or Softball Age Chart to determine your child's "league age." 

Q: My residence or child's school is [X].  Am I within the ESLL boundaries?

A: Please refer to the ESLL Boundary Map to determine whether your residence or child's school is within the boundaries.

Q: Where are games held?

A: For baseball, most or all games are at Phoebe Hearst Elementary School. For softball, home games are at Phoebe Hearst and away games are at the fields of other leagues in our district (please visit the District 7 website for the locations of the other leagues). Game schedules become available in March. Lower division baseball teams (Tee Ball and Single A) play approximately 10-12 games per season. Baseball and softball teams play approximately 14-18 games per season.  

Q: Where and when are practices?

A: Practices are generally held at various fields in the East Sac area, including Phoebe Hearst, Theodore Judah, David Lubin, Kit Carson, and East Portal Park. The practice locations and times vary by team. Most teams practice once or twice per week.    

Q: Can my child be on a team with his or her friends?

A: In the lower baseball divisions (Tee Ball and Single A), we try to place children on teams with their friends to the extent possible (make sure to indicate at registration if there is another child you would like on your child's team). However, for AA, AAA, and Majors (baseball) and Rookies, Minors, and Majors (softball), try-outs are held to determine each player's abilities and children are drafted onto teams based on skill level to create competitively balanced teams in each division.

Q. Who hit the farthest home run in ESLL history?

A: In 2017, Julian Carmona of the Majors Red Sox hit a ball on the PH2 field off the front roof of one of the houses behind left field. The ball was retrieved on 60th Street.


East Sac Little League
P.O. Box 19596 
Sacramento, California 95819

Email: [email protected]

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